We are specialists in water treatment, whether it concerns water softening using Soft Water Solutions or supplying the high quality Hoshizaki ice machines through Ice Water Solutions.

Our Soft Water Solutions offer an effective way to remove limescale in your water pipes. Reduce. With our advanced system you can enjoy soft water for everyday use, resulting in a better drinking water taste, less limescale on your appliances and a longer life of your pipes.

In addition, we offer Hot Water Solutions to meet your needs in the area of hot water. With our tailor-made solutions, you can enjoy a continuous supply of hot water for your domestic or commercial purposes.

At Ice Water Solutions we have deliberately chosen Hoshizaki ice machines as they are known as the best on the market. With nearly 70 years of experience in commercial kitchen equipment and food service, Hoshizaki has become a global leader. They have built an international reputation for innovation, durability and reliability. We are proud to be associated with Hoshizaki and strive for high quality in both our services and products.

contact us today to learn more about our water treatment solutions and high performance Hoshizaki ice machines.